Suite 205-2580 Cedar Park, Abbotsford, BC V2T 3S5
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Welcome to Sahara Law Corporation

Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public

Financial planning with professionals

Family Law
We deal with matters including Divorce settlements, Child Support, Spousal Support, Restraining Orders, Separation Agreements, etc.

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Image lawyer businessman sitting at the office with a woman customer explaining the agreement of advice.

Criminal Law
Our legal services can help defend you against criminal charges for various kinds of criminal offenses.

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People around the table

Real Estate Law
Real Estate deals can appear complicated, but we ensure that you retain the right to own, use and enjoy your home and other properties.

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Why Choose Us

25+ Years of Experience
Gurmeet Singh Chaina holds more than 25 years of experience as a Lawyer. He received full accreditation from Faculty of Law at the University of Alberta.
Trusted in the Community
Our many years of experience make us the perfect choice for your legal needs. Our reputation is one to look up to.
Multiple Services
We offer many services including Family Law, Criminal Law, Real Estate Law, Will & Estate Planning, Immigration Law, and Notary Services
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