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Will & Estate Planning

Will & Estate Planning

Will & Estate Planning

Preparing a legally valid will is encouraged to prevent unforeseen and distressing issues for your family and loved ones. Our law firm can support you in planning your will to allow smoother dispersion of your estate during a challenging time. Our firm can assist you in preserving your wealth as well as will and estate planning. A carefully planned will can ensure your wishes are respected. Some of the things we often discuss include protecting spouse and children after a loved one has passed away. Without a proper will in place, the court may divide your estate without considering your personal wishes or cause prolonged and unnecessary delays in the division of your estate.

At Sahara Law, we can help you get your affairs in order. We will draft a will according to your needs and wishes. We also help clients prepare an enduring power of attorney agreement between you and the person who can be in charge of any financial decisions relating to your estate. Such agreements are drafted when you’re capable of making your own decisions and can be applied immediately if/when you lose the capacity to manage your own affairs.

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